What is the purpose or mission behind what you’re sharing?
(Describe what motivates you or your group and the reason for doing what you do.)
Who would benefit from hearing your story or joining your cause?
(Explain who might connect with your message or cause, and why they should care.)
What can someone expect to gain by joining your group?
(Describe the benefits, such as spiritual growth, community, support, or practical skills. Small Group, Home Group and Bible Connect Classes Only)
How has being a part of this group, or testimony impacted your life?
(Share any personal transformations, growth, or changes you've seen in yourself or others as a result.)
What are the most meaningful or significant moments you’ve experienced through this journey or group?
(Describe key moments or milestones that have made an impact, whether they are emotional, spiritual, or practical.)
How does your experience, or group fit into the bigger picture of the church or community?
(Explain how your group or story aligns with the broader goals or mission of the church or community.)
What do you want others to take away or do after hearing your story or learning about your group?
(Give a clear call to action—whether it's joining, supporting, praying, or getting involved in a specific way.)
Why is it important for people to hear your story or join your cause now?
(Explain the relevance of your story or group in the current moment—why now is a crucial time to get involved or take action.)
What personal lesson or takeaway would you want others to learn from your story or group?
(Share a key lesson you’ve learned that could resonate with others.)